Dear hot guy at the gym,
Thank you for being there everytime that I am
It's because of you that I finish all my reps
All the way from my jump squats to the bench press
I appreciate you for smiling
And making small talk
But really in mind I'm thinking "damn you'd be a"
Is it creeepy that I know your name,
Even though we've never been introduced?
I wonder if you know the same
Mmmm you're fun to watch working out
Are you ever going to ask me out?
Maybe we could grab a smoothie
Or go next door and see a movie
Either way I just want to pick your brain
What makes you happy?
What makes you sad?
What are you passionate about?
And what drives you mad?
My workouts are better when you're around
What else of me can you improve?
But if I ever get the courage to make a move
The first thing I'll ask I about your tattoos
But then I'll ask what your favorite drink is
Besides a protein shake
And then just maybe we can go on that date