Saturday, January 10, 2015

January Blues

Unemployment during the month of January is possibly the worst month of the whole year to be unemployed. It has not been warmer than 25 degrees since the New Year. Our thermostat never goes above 64, and our fireplace only heats one room in the whole house. AKA IM FREEZING ALL DAY EVERY DAY
...I go through wool socks like they are underwear now, and fleece leggings and long johns are my new best friends. This is not a joke people, this is a war on cold. All I want to do is go for a run outside, but I don't think frost bite and hypothermia are worth it...

So on top of the bitter cold dragging me down, I am also having no luck with this job search thing. I'm starting to wonder if this is even the field I want to go in. Everyone keeps trying to give me job search advice and bestow their wisdom on me, but it's getting really annoying actually. So when people ask me how the job searching is going, I try to find a new topic to talk about ASAP.

Part of the problem is the jobs themselves often look for a few to several years of experience, so I dont even qualify for most of them. Secondly, its a competitive field and I'm low on the totem pole, I can't even tell if my resumes are being looked at. The third problem is, people keep telling me that its my time to do anything I want. Well what I want is to be on a boat and follow Orca Whales in their migration and swim with them and love them (basically real life Free Willy) but I have 0 experience in boating, whale research, marine biology sooo why would they hire me at all? Also-those jobs are rare and there is like no chance of me ever finding my way on a whale research boat, unless I start up my own crew. But I'm poor. And have student loans I have to pay off....

I also want to own a house on a beach and be in walking distance of the too poor for that also. Or I want to explore space, but I'm not an astronaut.

So I've spent about 2 or 3 weeks on the couch watching Netflix where I finished rewatching the Office, saw all the animal documentaries. I have read 4 books, 2 were great, and 2 were kind of bad but I couldnt put them down. I've slept enough to catch up on all the sleep I missed during my Master's program.  So basically now I am just really bored. This would all be easier if I had more friends who were home, I cant count my friends who are left on one hand, but they all have professions and have started their lives...P. Sawyer from OTH said it first: "people always leave" and its depressing being the one who is left behind. I just need a one-way ticket out of here, unfortunately the ticket needs to have benefits, a rate of pay I can live off of, and hopefully a fun place where I can actually start living. There isn't even a bar around here for me to go to and have a little fun, last night was a Friday...what was I doing? I finished a book and watched a movie with my parents. Who both fell asleep within the first twenty minutes...kewl. Anyways, I'm so bored, I might actually clean the house.

So yeah cold, bored, and lonely...Happy January, the most depressing month of the year. It can only get better from here right?

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