Thursday, January 28, 2016

MeetUp Mishap II: Birdwatching Club

For those of you who do not know me very well I have a confession: I love birds. They're so pretty, unique, and strong. I saw a documentary on PBS about ducks (the "Duckumentary") that was so fascinating, I learned so much and since then I have been a big duck fan as well as an appreciator of other birds and their beauty. So I went into this meeting ready to take it seriously, and had intentions of starting bird watching as a hobby. Well once again I have been convinced to not pursue this hobby (yet).

So the meeting took place at a very cool museum, which had it been open I probably would have just left the meeting and gone to look at the exhibits. Alas, it was closed so I had to sit tight and listen to a PhD dissertation for two hours -_- Once I found where the meeting was to be held, several thoughts ran through my head such as "What am I getting myself into?", "Is it to late to turn back now?", "Apparently I missed the age limit memo", and "Where are the cookies I was promised?" I was greeted at the door by a nice woman, we'll call her Janice, who asked if I was a student at Duke and I said "No, I just moved here from New York and am trying to find my way," she was very surprised to hear that and just looked at me so I continued with "I like birds." Then she smiled and said "Well you've come to the right place." She gave me a brochure and I found a seat...the seats were set up more closely and intimately than I liked. I was hoping for a big lecture hall where I could sit in the back and not be so noticed, but unfortunately I stuck out like a sore thumb.

There were about four rows set up, and the first row was mere feet from the podium where the speaker was presenting. Oh, I must mention, everyone there was either a senior citizen or a middle-aged outdoors fanatic. There was one guy who looked kind of cute and young from behind so I gave him the look up and once I got to his feet I cringed because he was a total shoobie: wool socks and teva sandals, yeah no. So once again, was not making any friends my age here. Before the speech started there was time for people to announce where they've seen cool birds and such and one man shared with us that he's been bird watching for 85 years. Which is amazing, hes seen so many species, but yeah that was my crowd...

Once the speech started I tried so hard to pay attention and seem interested. The girl was a PhD student using satellite technology to track migration of birds, so that seemed kind of cool. But after the first 10 minutes I was lost, and started day dreaming. It was also so warm and cozy and her voice was very soothing....I fell asleep. In a meeting where I was supposed to be learning a new hobby, and making new friends, and I fell asleep. Go me.  Once I woke myself up after maybe two minutes of shut eye the presentation was still going on. I didn't want to be rude and leave, the place was so small it would've been so noticeable-this is this girls life's work, I just couldn't do it. So I sat there and continued to day dream about cookies and ice cream. Once the presentation was finally over, there was question and answer session. The shoobie asked four questions and I was so done with him, it was hard to not roll my eyes. When the applause finally came I was so happy, I waited for the lights to come on, and people to get up and start putting jackets on before I made my great escape.

I was finally free. Maybe someday I will be into birdwatching and meetings like that but not for another forty or so years. The good that came out of this was at least I found a museum to go to if I'm feeling bored (aka everyday, I'm bored everyday, I need a hobby).

Also, I did not make it to the bollywood dance class like I planned, so perhaps that will be a post for the future. For now, au revoir and I will find something to go to next week!

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