Wednesday, January 6, 2016

MeetUp Mishaps: Zumba

Hello fans,

The first MeetUp Mishap I will share with y'all is the very reason I am blogging this adventure. Everything that could have gone wrong did, and its funny looking back on it now.

So a little background first: I love to dance. Whether it's dancing in the mirror, dancing with my friends at da club, or in a class, I love it all. In college my friends and I went to Zumba for fun, and holy moly was that a workout. We were sweating and sore by the second song, it was great! The instructor was fun, the music was fun, and it was a great workout. I mean who doesnt love a good twerk workout, amiright?

My next Zumba experience was when I worked for the Y and got to take free classes, again this was a great dance class. The instructor was full of energy, he was very attractive, and man could he shake it. For those of you who have never been to a Zumba class, its a mixture of Latin, African, and Indian dance techniques. So you could be doing a salsa one dance, and a jai-ho the next. So when I saw there was a Zumba MeetUp I thought "How perfect! I already know how to Zumba, this will be fun, and girls my age will be there!" I grabbed my bestie and made her come with me while making promises of fun, new friends, and good music. Boy was I wrong.

So lets start from the beginning of the Mishap. On the app an address for where the MeetUp happens is available, so we plugged that into our GPS and saw it was pretty close to my friends house. Off we go, listening to music and singing in the car, when we got close to where the studio was we slowed down and were looking for a business sign for the dance studio, we looked and looked, and looked. And drove right past it. We were in a residential neighborhood, so we were kind of confused. After pulling into a drive way we realized it must be in someones house or something. So we went back to the address that the app gave us and saw a very small sign was printed off a computer saying "dance studio in back." Great. I was still optimistic at this point so I was like lets just go park and go in. We parked the car, looked around and saw more small signs. It was literally a house. We came to do Zumba at a strangers house. We went up to a door and it was locked, and then tried another door and it was open, we go in and it was a basement....

...And there were 3 women already dancing. They looked at us, and kept on dancing. The instructor did not even acknowledge us or say hi. We went in awkwardly and shyly, went to a corner to put our bags and water and just stood there for about 3 minutes before other people started coming in. So far we were the only people under the age of 45 there. More people come in and line up on the studio floor in front of the mirror so we do the same thing. By the time everyone arrived we were the only white girls in their 20s, and we stood out like sore thumbs. A lady came up to us and asked us who we were and if we registered and we said "No, we're here for the free Zumba we found on MeetUp" and she was confused for a second and went over to the instructor and was talking to her for a few minutes meanwhile were thinking we wont even get to Zumba at this point. She comes back and says we're good, we just have to give her our email and sign up for a Zumba package at the end of the class (I'm still getting email alerts as to when the next classes are, and theres no way to unsubscribe AHHH). Then the class finally starts...

The dancing is all a blurr at this point, but it was not good I can tell you that much. At point I remember looking at my friend and giving her the "what the hell is this?" look. Now my friend had a harder time with this class than I did, shes actually a better dancer than I am. It looked like she had no clue as to what she was doing and she looked so uncoordinated, like an old lady who only dances when shes drunk at weddings. It was funny for me but she was miserable. I am 95% sure our instructor was not a real certified Zumba instructor, because the dancing was not Zumba dances, there was no Salsa, no bollywood dancing, no two-step, no ball changes, I couldn't even tell you what we did. It was like nothing I've ever experienced or seen in all my Zumba classes. It was like she just downloaded some music and made up random dance routines in her basement. Since they weren't actual dance steps it was super hard to follow her, and the dances weren't very repetative so you couldn't learn it to follow along. It was basically a free-for-all, and the characters who were at the class definitely took advantage of that. There was one song called "Dessert" where the only man in the class obviously loved, he was singing along and made up his own dancing. It was quite the experience.

Once the hour of non-Zumba Zumba was over, we literally grabbed our stuff and ran out of the dance studio as fast as we could. There was a straggler in the parking lot as we were cannoning out of there who asked us if we were coming back, and since we are nice, polite young ladies, we said "Yeahhhh". The second we were in the car though we started laughing from shock and making profane exclamations like "WHAT___WAS THAT?" We drove to a bar after that to recover from the strange dancing experience. My friend told me she's never going to another dance class with me. Which means I will going to the bollywood dance class alone this week....

So friends, this is my first Mishap Chronicle. I hope enjoyed my experience more than I did. I also hope you never have a Zumba experience like we did. So adieu until next time!

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