Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hangovers with a side of Social Media

There are rare Saturday nights when I don't have to wake up on Sunday and read a whole book or write a paper...last night was one of them. So fun-loving me went to some friends aptartment in Albany where we polished off a bottle of 90 proof peppermint schnapps, and a bottle of Fireball, my friend combined them and made shots called Fire and Ice, but really it should called "You will puke on the side of the road tomorrow morning"...catching my drift?

So between the 5 of us, I was the only girl but I like to think I can keep up with the fellas, we had about 6 shots and on top of that we were all working on some beers. That was just before we went-what are we in college? NO. The cold, hard answer is no. Don't get me wrong, fun was certainly had, and those great drunk conversations went on for hours, our main one was about social media's negative impact on actual human interaction. I have an opinion on social media that I like to impose on others, because I'm right...just kiding, think what you want. But social media, whether you like it or not, can give or take away self esteem by a simple click of a button. How ridiculous. So, I was done with feeling bad about myself because I didn't get enough "likes" on a facebook post-but really I had to come to terms with the fact people really don't care, unless is a wedding ring picture, a baby picture, or some big life event...In November I deactivated my facebook, and was free from its bonds up until this weekend. When I reactivated it for Tinder-haha. Everybody needs that PMA every now and then (Positive Male Attention-thank you J.Stokes for the wonderful concept), I seem to need it all the time. So I love Tinder, I hate facebook, but they are linked so I caved-BUT-I have not even gone on my facebook, it's just there (so do I still count as a strong-willed person?) Other social media I like: twitter. LOVE twitter, I actually got retweeted by one of my favorite comedians the other night, Loni Love, and my whole life was made infinitely better by that one-button click. I also like instagram. HOWEVER both of those have their issues too. What the most obvious problem is, is that all of these outlets are just ways to brag about something. Sometimes it's ok, like if you had been driving a car for 6 years that you were never sure would get you to your destination but you finally got a new car! Or you got into a great grad school after all the sweat and tears you put in at undergrad! But most of the time, people take the posts personally, or lack of likes on a post, and the issues start from there. Such as FOMO (fear of missing out), or actually being left out and the posts were purposely put up to show you that you weren't included, or getting cheated on and the proof is literally on the wall. There is also the fact that all of these things are online and everyone can see it. AND there are no secrets if you post it. These things aren't meant to be a diary, but they are certainly treated like it. Now one of my main concerns is the impact these posts leave on younger, more impressionable girls and boys. I know how I react to some posts that I don't want to know about, but I cannot imagine how I wouldve handled them in high school, or even early college (by the end of school I really learned to not give any f's anymore and try to enjoy more of life). It's really sad and scary how social media can make you feel, and I wish I could tell every girl that these posts and pictures and tweets do not matter at all. Life is lived outside of technology and in the moment-who cares if you got left out, you can find better friends-who cares what someone wore to school one day, everyone has their own style...and most of all just to love yourself, because you are unique and your own self, dont try to be what society is showing you to be...

ANYWAYS off of my social media rant, it was a fun night-I can't really tell you what we did because in all honesty I don't remember much of it :X but this morning I had a killer headache, slept in til noon, and still have not been able to eat (it's 5). Now I still have to do some homework, watch the bachelor and do my other typical Sunday events.....but im so tired, and I dont really feel like it will be possible to move...wish me luck!

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