Monday, March 3, 2014

Real Life Struggles

If someone told me last year that I'd be able to wake up at 5am with no problem, get a 30 minute workout in, shower, eat a real breakfast and still get out of my house at 7:20, totally presentable and ready for the day, I wouldn't believe them for a second. 
I have always been a semi-morning person, meaning I can get usually get up when I'm supposed to and sleeping in usually means to 8:30. But before this January I have never willing woken up before 630, I like my sleep and once I'm up I like to take my sweet ass time getting ready. I like to enjoy my cup of hot whatever (this month is tea) and watch tv and take my time mentally preparing myself to get shit on by life for 16 straight hours...And my hair is a completely different story that I have just given up on, so looking presentable is a feat short of a miracle. 

But waking up at 5 is a whole new world-cue jasmine-unbelievable sights and indescribable feelings is 5am to a my dad doing his back stretches in the back porch in his underwear, or my brother passed out on the couch sprawled out in every angle except the token 1-hand down his pants..on the couch because he was too lazy to make the trip up the stairs to his bed aka my bed from college-ha. But there are also benefits like seeing the sun rise, and choosing what everyone is going to watch during morning busy-ness; this morning we watched SNL and then the warm weather in sight, kill me. I am impatiently awaiting the day when I can walk into work without cursing myself for not buying a real winter jacket while clutching my travel mug in hopes that the 16oz of warmth will make it through my whole body for the 2 minute walk through the tundra (it never does)...

Work these days is a paid internship with a state department so I made out like a bandit which I'm super pumped about. I'm essentially Pam Beesly from the Office, but there's no Michael Scott and definitely no Jim. There's a few Creeds and a Kevin though...But it's also work and let's be real I'd rather spend my time lampin out, watching killer whale documentaries and doing arts and crafts..or volunteering at an archive or a library, such a nerd I know. 

Side Bar: I feel like it takes me a way longer time to react to someone I pass in the hallway. Like I need at least a 7 second warning to muster a full smile, instead a stupid no-teeth smile..not trying to be a betch Im just blessed with poor reaction time, wah. And I'm really bad with quick comments on the a nutshell: "IM UGLY AND AWKWARD AND ALWAYS SAY THE  WRONG THING" (Jo March, Little Women) 

Side side bar: holy f there's this acquaintance that I follow on twitter and her tweets are screaming so loudly for male attention and pity that a) it's hilarious but b)also makes me want to verbally slap her for being so annoying, and c) if she would just shut up for a second she could enjoy herself. Not saying I'm not guilty of occasionally posting the same kinds of tweets, but these are back to back and kill me. Girlfriend stop-it's not cute. 

So off the side bar, my favorite boots, which I got at Christmas, are falling apart.. The heel is coming off and there are cracks across the sole one the bottom on both pairs...apparently wooden shoes aren't winter weather resistant. One of the Creeds always compliments them, he's Pirate Creed for sure.  His life goal is to sell his house and use his retirement money to move to a Caribbean Island-not a bad goal if I do say so myself. But he is still a Creed and today he told me I'm illegal..because I was texting and walking and that's illegal in some places...meep 

On the upside I just had a totally awesome pear for my afternoon snack. Sweet, soft and juicy. It was so refreshing mmm definitely the highlight to my day.  

FYI LL Bean does give the lifetime guarantee but that doesn't mean they always have what you're updating in stock. Wasted an evening in rush hour traffic trying to get there and then after all that, we get there and they're all out of size baby-feet  moccasins. All that FO NOTHIN..wah

And now I still have to go to Electronic Records Management from 7-10, yippee
Work selfie 

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